by Juhi Patil

Synopsis:- Drought resilience is the capacity of the farming community to resist the impacts of drought through effective management of land and water resources and maintaining them as far as possible. It is a crucial topic where the environment and communities are concerned.
To know more about the same, keep reading.
What is drought resilience?
Drought resiliency focuses on preparing communities for future droughts by giving them the means to endure, withstand, and recover from these events.
What is the situation of drought and drought management currently?
Over 15 per cent of natural disaster damages and losses are caused by drought. Droughts account for 85.8% of livestock losses and drought is the most lethal natural hazard to livestock.
The adoption of national drought policies that are focused on risk reduction and which are complemented by drought mitigation plans at various levels of government will have significant ripple effects across key sectors.
The adoption of these policies supports the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal target 6 – ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all – by promoting integrated water resources management.
The vulnerability to future drought episodes can be significantly reduced and the coping capacity of communities, even entire nations, can be improved.
What are the 3 pillars of Integrated drought resilience?
Pillar 1 – Early warning and monitoring systems.
Pillar 2 – Vulnerability and impact assessment.
Pillar 3 – Mitigation, preparedness and response.
What is the importance of drought resilience ??
Building resilience for both women and men is essential to reduce the high human, social and economic costs of drought—from impacts on food, water and energy security to displacement and conflict.
Investing in drought resilience is one of the most cost-effective actions countries and regions can take, with returns of up to 10 times the initial investment.
The International Drought Resilience Alliance (IDRA) is a coalition of 36 countries and 28 international organizations that aims to change how the world tackles the growing drought risks.
Prevention is always better than cure !!!!!!